
[France] Get ready for Christmas Party!!!

The 2nd wine I would like to recommend for Christmas party is a white wine from Domaine Zind Humbrecht Gewürztraminer Alsace, it is also from Watson’s Wine Christmas promotion. Domaine Zind Humbrecht is owned by Father and Son, Leonard and Oliver Humbrecht. Alsace is located northeast of France near the French and German border. Most of the vineyards are situated on stoop slopes, the soils are limestone and gravel. Winemaker Oliver developed a strict viticulture and winemaking procedure, which include organic composting, low yields, extended pressing cycles, long fermentation with the sediment in oak barrels instead of stainless steel tanks, mature 8 months in old French oak barrels, etc. It receives a favorable reputation from Magazine Wine Spectator and Wine critic Robert Parker.

Domaine Zind Humbrecht produced Grand Cru, Single Vineyards, AOC Alsace and Late Harvest wine. The one I recommend is AOC Alsace wine with Gewürztraminer. Gewürztraminer is very easy to recognize, with its unique aroma of Lychee, Passion Fruit, Rose, Turkish delight, etc. The grape skin is pink to red color, so the wine color will be like golden color. There is a majority of the grapes for this wine is from vineyard Herrenweg in Turckheim, which is owed by the winery.

My Taste Note: This wine has clear golden color. It shows Pineapple, Lychee, Honey, Floral and Coconut aromas. Probably the oak barrels bring coconut aroma. The palate is medium dry with medium body and gently acid. It has quite long length after taste with floral flavor and fruit sweet. Overall this wine shows all Gewürztraminer unique characteristic, it may lack of acid but I found it is balance. Gewürztraminer white wine has attractive aromas and flavors, it must be a good choice for Ladies. For your reference, Vintage 2012 Wine Spectator rated 91 score.  
第二枝酒我想推薦給大家在聖誕節Party享用是 Domaine Zind Humbrecht Gewürztraminer Alsace, 這款酒都是在葡萄酒商店Watson’s Wine聖誕推廣內. Domaine Zind Humbrecht是由兩父子一齊經營Leonard () and Oliver () Humbrecht. Alsace(亞爾薩)是位於法國的東北邊,鄰近法國和德國的邊界.多數的葡萄園是設在陡坡上, 泥土是石灰石和礫石.釀酒師Oliver開發了一套嚴謹的葡萄種植和釀酒程序, 包括有機堆肥,低產量,加長壓榨時間,用比較長時間和沉澱物一起在木桶內發酵而不是平時用的不銹鋼桶,在舊法國木桶內熟成8個月,等等. 這個酒莊從雜誌Wine Spectator和酒評家Robert Parker獲得良好的聲譽.

Domaine Zind Humbrecht生產Grand Cru,單一葡萄園, AOC Alsace和遲摘葡萄酒. 我介紹這枝的是AOC Alsace Gewürztraminer(瓊瑤漿). Gewürztraminer是很容易就可以辨認去來,因為它帶有一種獨特的香氣例如很多人說的荔枝香,玫瑰花,熱情果,土耳其軟糖,等等. 葡萄皮的顏色是帶有粉紅色到紅色,所以釀出來的酒都會比較深色. 有一大部分釀製這款酒的葡萄,都是來自酒莊的一個葡萄園HerrenwegTurckheim.

我的品酒筆記: 這款酒有清晰的金黃色.它帶有菠蘿,荔枝,蜂蜜,花香和椰子香氣.可能是因為木桶而有椰子香.口感是半甜(medium dry),中等酒體和有溫和的酸.它有比較長的After Taste帶花香和水果酸.這款酒整體來說,它有Gewürztraminer獨特的特徵, 酸度可能會比較低,但是我覺得Balance. Gewürztraminer釀製的白酒,香氣和味道都是很吸引.女士們一定很喜歡這款酒. 這是給大家參考,2012年葡萄酒雜誌Wine Spectator 91

