
[German] Get ready for Christmas Party!!!

                                              Long Green Hock Style Bottle

Christmas will be coming in one month. Almost all the shopping mall in HK is done with their Christmas decorations. Some people are already busy preparing Christmas gift, food and wine for Christmas party. All shops have different promotions for Christmas shopping, including wine shop of course. Watson’s Wine, the famous chain shop for wine in HK, is promoting different type of white wine, red wine and Champagne for party use and I have already tasted some of them. I would like to recommend a few wines from that promotion to everyone, so that you can have an idea for their Christmas party wine. It doesn’t need to be too luxurious because during party, we may eat different type of salty, sour and sweeten food. This will make our taste becomes weak, luxury wine will be a waste. I think Weingut Max Ferd.Richter Brauneberger Juffer Riesling Kabinett Mosel Germany, a Medium Dry (Kabinett) German white wine would be a good choose.

German wine is classified by 4 grades. Frist is Prädikatswein (Q.m.P), the finest wine level, during wine making it is not allowed to add any sugar, and it has six levels according to the ripeness of the grapes at harvest. Kabinett is basic level with light sweet, mild acid and fresh style. Besides, it has Spätlese (Late Harvest), Auslese (Late Harvest with some botrytis grape), Beerenauslese “BA” (made with higher amount of botrytis grape), Eiswein (Ice Wine made with frozen grape) and Trockenbeerenauslese (made with selected botrytis grape), all those are with higher level of sweetness and different wine style. The rest of the grades are Q.b.A (allowed adding sugar), Landwein (similar to French”vin de pays”) and Deutscher Wein (table wine). Moreover, some of the wine label is indicated with Trocken, which means Dry. Riesling is the major grape of German white wine, besides that they also have Pinot Blanc, Müller-Thurgau, Silvaner, Pinot Noir for red wine. And, Riesling is the most famous grape in Mosel. The Mosel region has 13 wine regions and it follows the path of Mosel River. Vineyards in Mosel are located on the river bank steeps. The benefit of these slopes is the vines exposure to sun, which is easier for the grapes ripening. The soil is slate, it can absorb the heat during daytime and release it to vines at night to avoid frost. Brauneberger is one of the regions from Mosel and Juffer is one of the vineyards in Brauneberger.

My Taste Note: This wine has pale yellow color. It shows Peach, Little Citrus, spices and Flora aromas. The palate is medium dry with light to medium body and very mild acid. It finished with honey like sweet and little fruits acid. Overall this wine is balance and fruity with 8.5% low alcohol, very relaxing and each to drink. The acid is quite low, little flabby. It may feel too sweet but keep eating and drinking at the same time, it can keep refreshing the mouth cavity.

還有一個月就是聖誕節.在香港很多商場都已完成它們的聖誕裝飾.有些人開始買聖誕禮物,聖誕大餐和葡萄酒來準備他們的聖誕Party. 在市面上,有很多種類的商店都會有不同的優惠推廣給大家在聖誕選購.當然包括葡萄酒商店在內.在香港有一間葡萄酒商店Watson’s Wine正在推廣不同類型的紅酒,白酒,香檳,等等, 有幾款我之前已經品嚐過. 所以我想在這裡推薦幾款, 在哪推廣裡的酒給大家在聖誕Party享用. Party飲的酒不需要太名貴, party中我們都會食多種類食物有咸,酸和甜.這樣已讓我們的味覺變弱了,太名貴的酒都是浪費. 我建議Weingut Max Ferd.Richter Brauneberger Juffer Riesling Kabinett Mosel Germany,一枝 Medium Dry德國微甜(Kabinett)白酒會係幾好的選擇.

德國葡萄酒是分為4個級別. 第一是Prädikatswein (Q.m.P),這是最高的等級, 釀酒過程中是不允許加糖和有6個按照葡萄採摘時的成熟度. Kabinett是最基本的一級,帶有微甜,溫和的酸和清爽型白酒.除了Kabinett, 還有 Spätlese (摘型), Auslese (摘型再加一些有貴腐葡萄釀製), Beerenauslese “BA” (用比較多貴腐葡萄釀製), Eiswein (冰酒,用結冰的葡萄釀製)Trockenbeerenauslese (用精選的貴腐葡萄來釀製),以上都是比較高甜度和有不同風格.剩下的等級是Q.b.A (允許加糖來釀製), Landwein (好像法國的”vin de pays”) and Deutscher Wein (餐酒). 另外,有些酒標上印有Trocken, 意思就是乾型酒(Dry). Riesling(雷司令) 是德國釀製白酒的主要葡萄品種之一, 除了Riesling之外, 他們會用Pinot Blanc, Müller-Thurgau, Silvaner, Pinot Noir (釀製紅酒),等等. RieslingMosel(摩塞爾葡萄酒產區)是很出名的葡萄品種之一. Mosel產酒區內有13不同的產油區, 它們都是跟隨摩塞爾河的路線走.在這裡的葡萄園都是在河岸陡坡上. 這樣的陡坡可得益到, 葡萄樹可以在陽光之下曝晒, 可以令葡萄比較容易成熟.泥土是石板,它可以吸收白天的熱能, 到晚上可以釋放出來給葡萄樹,防止葡萄結霜. Brauneberger Mosel內的其中一個產酒區和 JufferBrauneberger內的其中一個葡萄園.


我的品酒筆記: 這款酒有淺黃色帶有桃,少柑橘,香料和花香.口感是半甜 (medium dry),輕到中等酒體和有溫和的酸.到最後After Taste有一種好像蜂蜜的甜和少水果酸.這款酒整體來說是BalanceFruity帶有8.5%低酒精度,可以很輕鬆和容易飲用,不過酸度比較低有少鬆弛.飲得多可能會感覺有點甜,但是一路食一路飲可以保持口腔內清新.

