
[Hong Kong] Bistro Du Vin

                                                       French Onion Soup
The MTR west island line is operating in less than a week. It will become much more convenient to visit Kennedy Town. There are a lot of fine small restaurants to dine in, for example Bistro Du Vin at Davis Street, a traditional French restaurant with vintage decoration. The place is small, it is better to make reservation in advance. 

This restaurant is not very fancy, but they provide excellent and traditional French dishes and wine. This is the 2nd time I dined in Bistro Du Vin. We order…

French Onion Soup and Home
Salted Brandade with Soft Egg, Espelette Hollandaise as starter.

They have the best onion soup in HK. The soup has rich sweet onion flavor, with chewy cheese on top.

It is not too salty and the soft egg is perfectly cooked. Before eating, we cut in the middle of the egg, let the yolk leak on brandade and eat with Hollandaise sauce together.
                                   Brandade with Soft Egg, Espelette Hollandaise
Baby Squid A La Plancha. Baby squids are fresh with strong garlic and lemon sauce. The sauce is so tasty that we ordered more bread to eat with the sauce.   

Escargots on Bone Marrow. It has Pesto sauce on top. I don’t like the bone marrow, the flavour is too heavy for me. I just had escargots. It is better for people who like to eat both of it.

                                               Escargots on Bone Marrow

Crispy Suckling Pig Confit, Choucroute (Leg). You can choose Belly and Leg from the menu, I have already tried both. I found belly is tastier than leg because it has more fat and the meat is tenderer. Leg is less fat and greasy, the meat is firmer. But, both have most favorite crispy skin. 

Stewed beef cheeks
Beef cheeks is very smooth and tender, the sauce is rich and thick with rich flavors. 

                                                  Baby Squid A LPlancha
港鐵西港島線還有大約一星期就開幕, 以後大家可以很方便就去到堅尼地城. 那裡有很多特式小型餐廳, 很值得嘗試, 例如位於爹核士街的Bistro Du Vin. 這是間比較傳統的法國菜館, 以懷舊佈置為主題. 這間餐廳位子比較少, 如果想來用餐, 記得要預早訂位.

這間餐廳提供的都是比較傳統和典型的法國菜,和葡萄酒 沒有太多華麗的裝飾. 這已是我的第二次在這裡用餐. 我們點了..

法式洋蔥湯和Home salted Brandade, soft egg, Espelette Hollandaise 作為頭盤.

這裡有全香港最好飲的法式洋蔥湯,帶有濃郁的洋蔥甜味. 面層的芝土很香.

Home salted Brandade, soft egg, Espelette Hollandaise 這不是很,糖心蛋煮得剛剛好. 食之前最好在蛋中間切一下,讓蛋汁流出來,荷蘭醬一起食.

Brandade, soft egg, Espelette Hollandaise
類似香蒜汁炒墨魚仔,墨魚仔很新鮮彈口, 有很重蒜頭味和檸檬汁. 這個汁很好食,可以用來沾麵包.

在田螺併牛骨髓上有一些香蒜汁,我不是太喜歡牛骨髓,因為有很重羶味. 我只是食了一些田螺.不喜歡食骨髓的人最好不要點.

脆皮燒乳豬配酸菜,在餐牌上可以選豬腩或豬,這次我點了. 兩款我都吃過,我覺得豬腩比豬好食. 因為豬腩脂肪會多一點食起來比較香,肉質比較淋. 腿就沒有這麼油膩, 但肉質都比較實. 不過兩款的皮都是很脆.
Crispy Suckling Pig Confit, Choucroute (Leg)
                                                      Stewed beef cheeks

