
[France] Clos Du Marquis 2004 & 2006

Before I have mentioned that some Bordeaux Grand Vin 2nd wine is worth to try. This time, I want to talk about Clos du Marquis, it may be treated as 2nd wine of Château Léoville-Las Cases, 2ème Crus Classés. But I think it is an another product of Ch. Léoville-Las Cases because it is made from the grapes of independent vineyards, which is near the Grand Vin vineyards. From 2007, Ch. Léoville-Las Cases made a real 2nd label wine called “Le Petit Lion”. In recent years, few vineyards of Grand Vin uprooted and replanted new vines. These vines are for Le petit Lion production. In this case, Clos du Marquis is almost a separate cuvée made by Ch. Léoville-Las Cases.    

The vineyards for Clos du Marquis called” Le Petit Clos”. In French, Clos means a vineyard enclosed by wall. In the old time, these walls were used to protect the grapes inside vineyards. The location of Le Petit Clos is surrounded by different Grand Cru Classés from Saint-Julien and Pauillac. For example, Ch. Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande, Ch. Léoville Poyferré and Ch. Léoville Barton. The soil is nearly similar to the Grand Cru Classés, mainly gravel and well-drained. The blend is Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Petit Verdot and Cabernet Franc, a typical Bordeaux blend. The Cabernet Sauvignon of Saint-Julien has more fruity character, unlike the powerful style of its neighbor Pauillac. From some wine reviews, this wine can challenge certain Grand Cru Classés and it can be classified as 3rd to 5th Cru Classés.      

My taste note: I have tasted 2 vintages of Clos du Marquis, 2004 and 2006. I tasted 2004 at around September 2011. The color is dark red, it shows with cherry, ripe blackberries and cedar aromas, tasted dry and full body with fine tannins and acidity. For 2006, I tasted at October 2014. The color is dark purple. It has more fruity and little earthy aromas, medium body with smooth tannins. Both wine have mellow fruit character, a good structure and balance. Overall I think, Clos du Marquis provides typical Saint-Juilien style, Grand Cru Classés quality wine and the price is quite bargain.     

之前我提過有一些波爾多列級酒莊的副牌酒,是很值得去嘗試.這次我想跟大家說的就是Clos du Marquis, 它可以當是Château Léoville-Las Cases, 2ème Crus Classés的副牌酒.但是我覺得它是Ch. Léoville-Las Cases的第二款產品,因為釀製這款酒的葡萄是來自正牌酒葡萄園鄰近的一個獨立葡萄園.2007Ch. Léoville-Las Cases生產了一款真正的副牌酒叫做“Le Petit Lion”(小獅子). 最近有些正牌酒葡萄園進行拔根和重新種植新的葡萄樹.這些葡萄樹就是用來釀製 ”Le Petit Lion”. 這樣看, Close du Marquis 好像是由Ch. Léoville-Las Cases釀製出來的獨立佳釀.

Clos du Marquis 的葡萄園叫做 ”Le Petit Clos”. 在法文Clos是指包圍著葡萄園的墙壁, 以前這些墙壁是用來保護葡萄園內的葡萄. Le Petit Clos 的所在位置是由Saint-JulienPauillac的不同的列級酒莊環繞着. 例如Ch. Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande, Ch. Léoville Poyferré Ch. Léoville Barton. 它的風土可以說是跟列級酒莊差不多,土壤主要都是礫石為主和排水良好.葡萄酒的調配都是典型波爾多品種Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Petit Verdot Cabernet Franc. Saint-JulienCabernet Sauvignon是比較多果香和味道, 不像鄰近Pauillac的強勁風格.有一些品酒評語形容這款酒可以挑戰某些列級酒莊和可以分類為3級到5級的列級酒莊.

我的品酒筆記 : 我飲過Clos du Marquis的兩個年份包括20042006. 大約在20119,我飲過2004. 當時酒色是深紅色,它有車厘子,黑莓子和雪松的香氣.口感是乾紅酒型, 厚身和有細緻的單寧和酸.2006年大約在201410,酒色是深紫色,這個年份果香比較多和有一點泥土香氣, 酒身是中等帶有平滑的單寧.兩個新年份都有醇美的果香和味道, 有好的結構和Balance.整體我覺得Clos du Marquis可提供到典當的Saint-Julien風格和有列級酒莊的質素,而價錢是比較宜人.

