
[USA / NORWAY] Big Shopping of Beer!!

There are some brands of beer new arrivals to HK. I bought some to drink on this summer but, I may finish them before summer end :) . My shopping list included 2 brands of beer, Rogue Ale from USA and Nøgne Ø from Norway. Both brands are interesting to try out. From my old post, I mentioned that Rogue Ale will have a beer using Sriracha hot sauce as indigent. This time, I bought it and really looking forward to this Sriracha Hot Beer!!

Beer List:

Rogue Ale (From Left To Right):
XS Old Crustacean Barleywine 750ml
New Crustacean Barleywineish Imperial IPA Sorta 750ml
Rogue Sriracha Hot Stout 750ml
Voodoo Doughnut Pretzel, Raspberry & Chocolate Ale 750ml
Double Chocolate Stout 750ml
Rogue Farms 7 Hop IPA 650ml

Nøgne Ø (From Left to Right):
India Pale Ale (IPA) 500ml
Pale Ale 500ml
Saison 500ml

On that night, I already tasted Nøgne Ø Pale Ale. There is a simple tasting note for your reference. When I pour out, it has hazy orange copper color with very fine bubbles on top. The aromas have honey, caramel, citrus and lemongrass. The taste is full body, hoppy and light sweet. The bitterness is quite sharp for a Pale Ale, after taste can feel bitterness too. Overall, this pale ale is a strong one, very nice beer.

我在網上看到某牌子的啤酒有新貨到港.我買了一些留給夏天飲,不過我可能在夏天末完之前已經飲完 :) 名單內包括2個牌子的啤酒,來自美國的Rogue Ale和來自挪威的Nøgne Ø.這兩個牌子都很直得品嚐.之前我的舊文已經提過Rogue Ale將會有一枝啤酒的成份是包含Sriracha辣椒醬(是拉差香甜辣椒醬).今次我有買這枝啤酒和對它的期望很高,因為我真係好鍾意是拉差辣椒醬的味道!!


Rogue Ale (From Left To Right):
XS Old Crustacean Barleywine 750ml
New Crustacean Barleywineish Imperial IPA Sorta 750ml
Rogue Sriracha Hot Stout 750ml
Voodoo Doughnut Pretzel, Raspberry & Chocolate Ale 750ml
Double Chocolate Stout 750ml
Rogue Farms 7 Hop IPA 650ml

Nøgne Ø (From Left to Right):
India Pale Ale (IPA) 500ml
Pale Ale 500ml
Saison 500ml

作晚我已經飲了Nøgne Ø Pale Ale.這裡在一個簡單的Taste Note給大家
參考.當我倒出來,可以見到朦朧橙銅色帶有非常細緻的泡泡.它蜂蜜,焦糖,柑桔類水果和香茅的芳香.味道方面是厚身啤酒帶有強烈啤酒花香和輕輕的甜.對比一般的Pale Ale,它的苦味是比較尖銳,After Taste都可以感覺到它的苦.整體它是一款濃厚型的Pale Ale,我個人喜歡濃厚型的啤酒,因為飲起來會刺激一點.

