
[France] Château Lascombes 2008

Last week, I just tasted Château Lascombes 2008, half bottle size. It may be too early to open this wine, but I am an impatient person, hard to wait 10 to 20 years to open a half bottle of wine. Chateau Lascombes is from Bordeaux Margaux, 2ème Crus Classés. Nowadays, Bordeaux Grand Crus Classés red wines are quite expensive. But compared to the other 2ème Crus, Château Lascombes is pretty worth to buy because the price is little cheaper than other 2eme Crus wine and it provides stable quality.

Château Lascombes established 17th century, by the first owner Chevalier Antoine Lascombes, at 1855 it classified as 2ème Grand Crus Classes. Lascombes went through numerous sales and inheritance issues, owned by countless owners. Until 2001 USA Colony Capital purchased Lascombes for $67 Million (USD) and invested around $47 Million (USD) for estate renovation, improved and upgraded winery facilities. They hired 3 famous winemakers Yves Vatelot (Chateau Reignac), Alain Raynaud (Chateau Quinault L'Enclos) and Michel Rolland as consulting. With all kind of improvement, I found, after 2001Lascombes wine will have better guarantee. In 2011 Lascombes sold to a French insurance group MACSF.

Lascombes has118 hectare vineyards, planted 50% Merlot, 45% Cabernet Sauvignon and 5% Petit Verdot, the vines average age are 35 years old. The terroirs included limestone, clay, sand and gravel. Margaux is gravelly soil and low clay content, it is suitable for Cabernet Sauvignon.  Wine from here is elegant, fragrant aroma and fine tannin structure. “Feminine” is often to describe Margaux wine. Vintage 2008 blends with 50% Merlot, 47% Cabernet Sauvignon and 3% Petit Verdot. Before, I had tasted the 2nd label of Lascombes, the name is Chevalier de Lascombes. 

My Taste Note: I decanted for 3-4 hours, deep purple color. The aromas have blackcurrant, violet, spices, licorice, vanilla and cedar. In the mouth, it is quite earthy mixed with blackcurrant, medium body with light acid and silky tannins. After taste can feel little sweet from tannins. Overall, this wine has opulent body and complex aromas, it is smooth and little tannins bite on the tongue. Age for few years later, it must develop more interesting flavors.  

上星期我品嚐了Château Lascombes 2008(半枝裝), 可能會太早開這枝酒. 因為我是一個比較心急的人,等不到1020年才開一枝半枝裝的紅酒.  Château Lascombes是波爾多瑪歌區(Margaux)的二級酒莊.現今波爾多列級酒莊的紅酒都相當昂貴,不過以其他二級酒莊來計,Lascombes會比較低飲因為他的價錢是比其他二級酒莊低和酒質都很有保證和穩定.

Château Lascombes建立於17世紀,由第一位莊主Chevalier Antoine Lascombes創辦,1855年它被評選為二級酒莊.這個酒莊經歷過數多次的易手和繼承的問題,由多個業主擁有過.直到2001年一間美國退休基金集團(Colony Capital)67百萬美元購買入和投資了大約47百萬美元來返新酒莊和更換釀酒的設備.他們聘請三位出名的釀酒師Yves Vatelot (Chateau Reignac), Alain Raynaud (Chateau Quinault L'Enclos) and Michel Rolland為顧問. 從以上提及的改善,我覺得從2001年之後的Lascombes會比較有保證.2011Lascombes再賣給一間法國保險集團MACSF.

Lascombes葡萄園占有118公頃,種了50% Merlot, 45% Cabernet Sauvignon and 5% Petit Verdot 葡萄樹平均年齡是35,泥土含有石灰石,粘土,沙和礫石.瑪歌的泥土是有較多礫石,泥土比較小,Cabernet Sauvignon的理想種植地.釀出來的酒是优雅,芬芳香氣和細緻單寧.通常會以女性化來形容瑪歌的紅酒.這枝2008年有50% Merlot, 47% Cabernet Sauvignon and 3% Petit Verdot. 之前得都試過 Lascombes的副牌, 它叫做 Chevalier de Lascombes. 
我的品酒筆記 : 多數波爾多紅酒我都會醒酒大約12小時,這枝我用了23小時來醒酒. 顏色比較年輕帶有深紫色, 香氣方面有黑加倫子,紫羅蘭,香料,甘草,香草(雲尼)雪松. 口感是Earthy有黑加倫子味道,中等酒身,輕輕的酸和柔滑的單寧After taste可以感覺到單寧的小小甜.整體這款酒有豐厚(opulent)的酒身和香氣比較複雜,不停找到不同的香氣,酒是平滑和感覺到單寧輕輕地在舌頭走動.可以放在酒櫃裡繼續陳年, 遲多幾年一定會演變更多的風味.

