
[Hong Kong] Bistro Du Vin

                                                       French Onion Soup
The MTR west island line is operating in less than a week. It will become much more convenient to visit Kennedy Town. There are a lot of fine small restaurants to dine in, for example Bistro Du Vin at Davis Street, a traditional French restaurant with vintage decoration. The place is small, it is better to make reservation in advance. 

This restaurant is not very fancy, but they provide excellent and traditional French dishes and wine. This is the 2nd time I dined in Bistro Du Vin. We order…

French Onion Soup and Home
Salted Brandade with Soft Egg, Espelette Hollandaise as starter.

They have the best onion soup in HK. The soup has rich sweet onion flavor, with chewy cheese on top.

It is not too salty and the soft egg is perfectly cooked. Before eating, we cut in the middle of the egg, let the yolk leak on brandade and eat with Hollandaise sauce together.
                                   Brandade with Soft Egg, Espelette Hollandaise
Baby Squid A La Plancha. Baby squids are fresh with strong garlic and lemon sauce. The sauce is so tasty that we ordered more bread to eat with the sauce.   

Escargots on Bone Marrow. It has Pesto sauce on top. I don’t like the bone marrow, the flavour is too heavy for me. I just had escargots. It is better for people who like to eat both of it.

                                               Escargots on Bone Marrow

Crispy Suckling Pig Confit, Choucroute (Leg). You can choose Belly and Leg from the menu, I have already tried both. I found belly is tastier than leg because it has more fat and the meat is tenderer. Leg is less fat and greasy, the meat is firmer. But, both have most favorite crispy skin. 

Stewed beef cheeks
Beef cheeks is very smooth and tender, the sauce is rich and thick with rich flavors. 

                                                  Baby Squid A LPlancha
港鐵西港島線還有大約一星期就開幕, 以後大家可以很方便就去到堅尼地城. 那裡有很多特式小型餐廳, 很值得嘗試, 例如位於爹核士街的Bistro Du Vin. 這是間比較傳統的法國菜館, 以懷舊佈置為主題. 這間餐廳位子比較少, 如果想來用餐, 記得要預早訂位.

這間餐廳提供的都是比較傳統和典型的法國菜,和葡萄酒 沒有太多華麗的裝飾. 這已是我的第二次在這裡用餐. 我們點了..

法式洋蔥湯和Home salted Brandade, soft egg, Espelette Hollandaise 作為頭盤.

這裡有全香港最好飲的法式洋蔥湯,帶有濃郁的洋蔥甜味. 面層的芝土很香.

Home salted Brandade, soft egg, Espelette Hollandaise 這不是很,糖心蛋煮得剛剛好. 食之前最好在蛋中間切一下,讓蛋汁流出來,荷蘭醬一起食.

Brandade, soft egg, Espelette Hollandaise
類似香蒜汁炒墨魚仔,墨魚仔很新鮮彈口, 有很重蒜頭味和檸檬汁. 這個汁很好食,可以用來沾麵包.

在田螺併牛骨髓上有一些香蒜汁,我不是太喜歡牛骨髓,因為有很重羶味. 我只是食了一些田螺.不喜歡食骨髓的人最好不要點.

脆皮燒乳豬配酸菜,在餐牌上可以選豬腩或豬,這次我點了. 兩款我都吃過,我覺得豬腩比豬好食. 因為豬腩脂肪會多一點食起來比較香,肉質比較淋. 腿就沒有這麼油膩, 但肉質都比較實. 不過兩款的皮都是很脆.
Crispy Suckling Pig Confit, Choucroute (Leg)
                                                      Stewed beef cheeks


[South Australia] Get Ready for Christmas Party!!

The Laughing Magpie

The last wine I would like to recommend for Christmas party from Watson’s Wine Christmas promotion is a Red wine from McLaren Vale South Australia, D'Arenberg The Laughing Magpie. D'Arenberg winery was established in 1912. All the wine is made from old and low yielding vines using traditional techniques to obtain a rich fruity flavor. Their wine labels are full of creativeness, each wine has different design and drawing. Dead Arm is one of the masterpieces with 100% of Shiraz, it is worth to try but, the price is not cheap, and not suit for party use. The Laughing Magpie is made with 94% Shiraz and 6% Viognier of white grape, a traditional blend from Northern Rhône. The price is less than HK $200, suit for party use. 

“The Laughing Magpie” is an Australian native bird, which has a special laughing sound. The original name is Kookaburra, this Magpie has black and white stripe feather. We could see their footprints surrounding the D’Arenderg winery. Then, it inspired the winemaker that Laughing Magpie will be good to name a blend of black (Shiraz) and white (Viognier) grapes wine. There is a winemaking procedure I need to mention, D’Arenderg is the only winery in Australia who uses old-fashion Basket Pressing for all the wines. This pressing style yields cleaner wine or juice. By spending less time to filter, it can achieve minimal interference. Then, the wine will be transferred to French and American oak barrel for aging.         

My Taste Note: The one I tasted is vintage 2008, famous Australian wine critic James Halliday rated 94 scores and wine critics Robert Parker rated 91 scores. It shows dark purple color. On the nose it has ripe fruit such as blackberry, nutmeg, mint, spices and oak. The palate has supple tannins, pleasant acid, full body and dry but Jammy. Overall, this wine is fruity, balance acid with powerful Shiraz flavors. Although, this is an easy drinking and fruity wine, but it has plenty of depth for aftertaste.    

                                                              Dead Arm

最後一枝酒我想推薦給大家在聖誕節Party享用的, 是來自南澳洲的McLaren Vale (麥克拉倫谷) D'Arenberg The Laughing Magpie. 這款酒都是在葡萄酒店Watson’s Wine的聖誕推廣內. D'Arenberg 酒莊在1912建立. 釀造它們的酒全部都是來自老和低產量的葡萄樹和用傳統工藝來得到最濃厚的果香或味道. 它們的酒標充滿創意和想像力,每一款酒都有不同設計和圖案. Dead Arm是其中一枝代表做, 用了100% Shiraz(西拉)釀製,是很值得一試,但是價錢比較貴,不宜在Party飲用. The Laughing Magpie用了94% Shiraz(西拉) and 6% Viognier (維歐尼耶)白葡萄,這是法國隆河(Rhône)傳統調配. 價錢是低於HK$200,從價錢上這款酒會適宜Party上飲用.

“The Laughing Magpie”是一種澳洲本土鳥帶有一種特殊的笑聲. 它的原名是叫Kookaburra,外形是黑色和帶有白色條紋的羽毛. 圍繞著D’Arenderg酒莊都可以見到它們的足跡. 之後它就啟發了釀酒師Laughing Magpie適合改給這款黑(Shiraz)(Viognier)葡萄調配酒的酒名. 在釀酒過程中,其中一項是很值得一提, D’Arenderg是澳洲唯一的酒莊會用傳統Basket Pressing(木籃內壓渣),這種壓渣方法可以釀造出更清晰的果汁或酒,用比較少時間來過濾,可以做到跟葡萄酒最少的接觸,但是需要更多的人力. 之後就會轉到法國和美國橡木桶內成熟.

我的品酒筆記: 我是品嚐2008,出名的澳洲評酒家James Halliday 給了94, 評酒家Robert Parker給了91. 這款酒深紫色. 香氣上有成熟果香例如黑莓, Nutmeg(肉荳蔻),薄荷,香料和橡木. 口感帶有柔軟單寧,宜人的酸,厚身和乾型紅酒不過它帶有Jammy的感覺. 整體這款酒是Fruity,平衡的酸度有強勁的Shiraz味道. 雖然這款酒比較容易入口和Fruity,但是After Taste有的一層一層果味慢慢顯示出來.


[Beer] Besides beer opener there are other 21 ways to open a bottle!!

I just found this video from website Buzz Feed It shows 21 special ways to open beer bottles. For me, I like the way with machete. This is same method of Sabrage, it is a technique to open a Champagne, but, it used a sword rather than a machete, haha :) 

我在 Buzz Feed 網站看到一個Video有關用21個方法來開啤酒瓶. 我自己就喜歡用開山刀(Machete) 來開的方法. 就很像一個開香檳方法叫做 Sabrage, 這個開香檳的方法是用劍, 而不是用開山刀, haha :)


[France] Drinking with my new glass!!

A franchiser supermarket in Hong Kong “Wellcome” has a promotion that buying certain amount of specify Australian wine brand to receive a gift of Riedel Cabernet wine glass. I received two from that promotion. This weekend, I used it for my tasting. This glass is design for tasting Cabernet Sauvignon wine. Each grape variety has its unique characteristic, a series of glass is made for different variety of grapes, and it will accord each type of grapes’ characteristics to deliver many hints to user. It is determined by shape, size and rim diameter of the bowl. I also used another crystal wine glass for tasting before. I found the differences between the two glasses are: the Riedel one is lighter (easier to hold and swirl), the rim is thinner (better feeling and more comfortable), and the width of glass body is larger (which have more space to let the wine develop its characteristics in glass and show attractive aromas).

During the weekend, I randomly bought a Bordeaux wine in Wellcome supermarket. It is Chateau Tour Du Foussat 2010AOC Bordeaux. This Chateau is located in Entre-Deux-Mers and on 2011 it received Gold Medal at The Concours de Bordeaux Vins d’Aquitaine for vintage 2010. Its major grape variety is 80% of Merlot and 25% of Cabernet Sauvignon. My taste note: The color is dark purple and reddish on the rim. Frist, it shows little Eathy, after decant a while, it shows more blackberries and plum. The palate is dry and full body with structured tannins. Medium length for after taste, it has little spicy and berry flavors. Overall, this is a structured wine, before tasting it can decant in decanter or glass for a while or aged for few more years.

                                                    Left : Riedel / Right : Old

香港連鎖超級巿場惠康,推廣一個優惠,指定澳洲品牌的酒滿特定金額,就送一隻Riedel Caberne酒杯. 之前我已換購兩隻. 上一個星期,我用了它來品酒. 這隻酒杯是設計給Cabernet Sauvignon 品種的紅酒. 每一款葡萄品種都有它們的獨特的特徵,這款系杯是會按照每款葡萄的特徵來製造. 而它會將每款葡萄的特徵的提示出來給用家分別. 這是取決在酒杯的形狀,大小,杯邊的直徑. 我之前都是用水晶酒杯來品酒,但是發現兩款酒杯的分別是 Riedel 是相對輕一點 (可以容易一些握着和搖晃酒杯),杯邊比較薄 (飲用是感覺舒服一些) 和杯身的寬度較大 (可以讓酒在杯內帶出它的特徵和表現出更吸引的香氣).

在週末期間,我在惠康隨意買了一枝波爾多(Bordeaux)紅酒. 這是Chateau Tour Du Foussat 2010AOC Bordeaux. 這個酒莊是位於Entre-Deux-Mers 和在2011,這款酒的2010年的得到當地葡萄酒比賽金獎 (Gold Medal at The Concours de Bordeaux Vins d’Aquitaine). 它主要有80%梅洛(Merlot)20%赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon). 我的品酒筆記: 這款酒的顏色是深紫色和近杯邊帶紅色.開始的時間,它有一些Earthy醒酒之後,有很多的黑莓和西梅果香. Dry (乾型紅酒),厚身帶有結構的單寧. After Taste中等長,它帶有少少辛辣和野果的味道. 整體這款酒是有結構,品嚐之前可以倒進醒酒器或在酒杯內一段時間. 都可以陳13年先飲用.  


[France] Get ready for Christmas Party!!!

The 2nd wine I would like to recommend for Christmas party is a white wine from Domaine Zind Humbrecht Gewürztraminer Alsace, it is also from Watson’s Wine Christmas promotion. Domaine Zind Humbrecht is owned by Father and Son, Leonard and Oliver Humbrecht. Alsace is located northeast of France near the French and German border. Most of the vineyards are situated on stoop slopes, the soils are limestone and gravel. Winemaker Oliver developed a strict viticulture and winemaking procedure, which include organic composting, low yields, extended pressing cycles, long fermentation with the sediment in oak barrels instead of stainless steel tanks, mature 8 months in old French oak barrels, etc. It receives a favorable reputation from Magazine Wine Spectator and Wine critic Robert Parker.

Domaine Zind Humbrecht produced Grand Cru, Single Vineyards, AOC Alsace and Late Harvest wine. The one I recommend is AOC Alsace wine with Gewürztraminer. Gewürztraminer is very easy to recognize, with its unique aroma of Lychee, Passion Fruit, Rose, Turkish delight, etc. The grape skin is pink to red color, so the wine color will be like golden color. There is a majority of the grapes for this wine is from vineyard Herrenweg in Turckheim, which is owed by the winery.

My Taste Note: This wine has clear golden color. It shows Pineapple, Lychee, Honey, Floral and Coconut aromas. Probably the oak barrels bring coconut aroma. The palate is medium dry with medium body and gently acid. It has quite long length after taste with floral flavor and fruit sweet. Overall this wine shows all Gewürztraminer unique characteristic, it may lack of acid but I found it is balance. Gewürztraminer white wine has attractive aromas and flavors, it must be a good choice for Ladies. For your reference, Vintage 2012 Wine Spectator rated 91 score.  
第二枝酒我想推薦給大家在聖誕節Party享用是 Domaine Zind Humbrecht Gewürztraminer Alsace, 這款酒都是在葡萄酒商店Watson’s Wine聖誕推廣內. Domaine Zind Humbrecht是由兩父子一齊經營Leonard () and Oliver () Humbrecht. Alsace(亞爾薩)是位於法國的東北邊,鄰近法國和德國的邊界.多數的葡萄園是設在陡坡上, 泥土是石灰石和礫石.釀酒師Oliver開發了一套嚴謹的葡萄種植和釀酒程序, 包括有機堆肥,低產量,加長壓榨時間,用比較長時間和沉澱物一起在木桶內發酵而不是平時用的不銹鋼桶,在舊法國木桶內熟成8個月,等等. 這個酒莊從雜誌Wine Spectator和酒評家Robert Parker獲得良好的聲譽.

Domaine Zind Humbrecht生產Grand Cru,單一葡萄園, AOC Alsace和遲摘葡萄酒. 我介紹這枝的是AOC Alsace Gewürztraminer(瓊瑤漿). Gewürztraminer是很容易就可以辨認去來,因為它帶有一種獨特的香氣例如很多人說的荔枝香,玫瑰花,熱情果,土耳其軟糖,等等. 葡萄皮的顏色是帶有粉紅色到紅色,所以釀出來的酒都會比較深色. 有一大部分釀製這款酒的葡萄,都是來自酒莊的一個葡萄園HerrenwegTurckheim.

我的品酒筆記: 這款酒有清晰的金黃色.它帶有菠蘿,荔枝,蜂蜜,花香和椰子香氣.可能是因為木桶而有椰子香.口感是半甜(medium dry),中等酒體和有溫和的酸.它有比較長的After Taste帶花香和水果酸.這款酒整體來說,它有Gewürztraminer獨特的特徵, 酸度可能會比較低,但是我覺得Balance. Gewürztraminer釀製的白酒,香氣和味道都是很吸引.女士們一定很喜歡這款酒. 這是給大家參考,2012年葡萄酒雜誌Wine Spectator 91