
[HK] Hong Kong Mak’s Brewery "麥子啤酒"

In recent years HK has appeared different local brands of Craft Beer, in my previous page has mentioned Hong Kong Beer and Gweilo Beer. This time, I tried a local brewery call Mak’s Brewery, locate in HK Tsuen Wan, It was establish by 3 young Hongkongers in 2014, they believed Hongkongers can brew some good craft beers too. Their masterpiece call “Salt Farm(鹽田)”, is a Witbier style beer, taste similar to Hoegaarden with light citrus flavours. Besides Salt Farm, Mak’s Brewery has other style of beer such as Ale or Stout. For example, I tried Sugarcane Stout, Longan Pale Ale and Mint Beer, each beer has used unique ingredient. 

Mint Beer (ABV 5%): This beer is a Pale Ale style beer, brewed with dried mint leaves, the mint taste is very refreshing, quite suitable to drink on summer. The color is hazy copper, with mint and honey aromas. It taste mint and little of Chinese herbs, medium body, not much bitter, refreshing style beer, easy to drink.   

Longan Pale Ale (ABV 5%): Longan Pale Ale sound like full of oriental style because Longan is a fruit from East Asia such as China, Taiwan, Vietnam, etc, similar style to lychee. Longan also has dried and I guess, this pale ale added dried longan as ingredient. The color is hazy light brown with white bubble on top. It has basic pale ale aromas, didn’t show much longan aroma. But, it taste strong of longan flavor, sweet and light bitterness.

Sugarcane Stout (ABV 5%): This is a Stout style dark beer brewed with sugarcane. It shows solid black color, with coffee and smoky aromas. First, it tastes malty and light bitterness then aftertaste found brown sugar (Chinese Brown Sugar Pieces) sweet. Overall, this beer didn’t have strong enough of sugarcane taste, just feel like drinking a sweet stout.

近幾年香港出現咗好多唔既本地品牌手工啤酒, 我之前都出過兩篇文關於本地手工啤酒 ''Hong Kong Beer / Gweilo Beer''. 今次我就試咗一隻本地手工啤酒叫做”麥氏啤酒, 工場位於荃灣區的工廠大廈.麥氏啤酒係由3個香港年青人創辦, 他們認為香港人都可以釀出好飲既手工啤酒, 目前佢地既代表作叫做”Salt Farm (鹽田)” 係一款比利時白啤酒 (用小麥來釀製), 味道就同Hoegaarden差唔多, 帶有輕微既香橙味. 除了鹽田啤之外, 麥氏仲有釀製好多唔同Style既啤酒, 例如今次我試咗甘蔗啤酒(Stout Style), 桂圓啤酒 (Pale Ale), 薄荷啤酒3, 每一款啤酒都用了獨特配料來釀製.

薄荷啤酒(ABV 5%): 薄荷啤酒係一款淡愛爾啤酒風格, 釀製時加入乾薄荷茶葉. 口時可以飲到非常清新既薄荷味, 好適宜夏天飲. 口感Medium Body, 唔算太苦, 清新薄荷味,加上薄荷,蜂蜜,少少藥材芳香. 係一款清新型既啤酒,容易入口, 飲多幾枝到唔覺醉.

桂圓啤酒(ABV5%): 聽到桂圓啤酒就感覺好似飲緊桂圓肉糖水, 呢一款係Pale Ale Style 既啤酒, 顏色淺啡色,杯頂上帶有白色泡泡.佢聞落就唔覺有好重桂圓香,不過飲落就有好濃郁既桂圓味道,算係少甜,少苦.除咗桂圓既特色之外,其餘就好似一般Pale Ale啤酒 甘蔗啤酒 (ABV5%): 

甘蔗啤酒係一係司陶特黑啤, 好似健力士黑啤一樣STYLE. 啤酒顏色比較深色呢款啤酒顏色係實黑色, 帶有咖啡和煙燻芳香. 起初開始飲只感受到味道同一般黑啤差唔多, 不過AFTERTASTE就飲得出有少少甜同片糖既味道. 其實我覺得同飲緊其他黑啤個分別唔係好大, 可能因為片糖味道唔係太特出.

