
[France] My First Dom !!!

I was too busy these days to work on a new post. But I still have spare time for my wine tasting. Last night, I tasted a very luxurious Champagne, that’s Dom Perignon 2003. It was my first time to taste Dom Perignon champagne. Below is a short taste note for this champagne. I will post a review with more details later.

This champagne is full body, with fine bubbles. It shows Lemon, Citrus, Apple and floral bouquets. The palate is dry with mild acid and excellent energy. During tasting, I found layers of taste such as citrus, nutty and mineral for after taste. Overall, this is a rich and delicate champagne.   

最近因為工作比較忙,所以沒有足夠時間寫新文章.但是我都有空閒時間來品酒.昨晚我品嚐了一枝名貴香檳 Dom Perignon 2003.這是我第一次品嚐Dom Perignon香檳.以下有一個簡短的品酒筆記.之後會出一個比較詳細的文章.

這枝香檳是帶有濃厚的酒身,細緻的氣泡.它表現出檸檬,柑橘類水果,蘋果和花的芳香.口感是乾身酒,帶有溫和的酸和充滿活力.在品嚐期間得感覺到味道非常有層次感例如有柑橘類水果,Nutty,一些礦物味道的After Taste.整體這是一枝濃厚和優美的香檳.

