
[France] Clos des Lunes "Lune Blanche"

The major wine produced in Bordeaux wine regions is red wine. However, Bordeaux also produces both sweet and dry white wine. Sweet white wine from Sauternes is very well known and some dry white wine is also worth to try. The Wine region Pessac-Léognan makes the top dry white wine, for example Château Pape Clément, Château Haut Smith Lafitte Blanc, Domaine de Chevalier Blanc, etc. But the prices for those wines are not cheap; it is not easy to drink too often. At a lower price, we can try Clos des Lunes 'Lune Blanche', the price is around HK $ 110. This winery is owned by the same owner of Domaine de Chevalier with the same winemaking team. Normally, low price AOC Bordeaux dry white wine is made from Entre-Deux-Mers but this one is from Sauternes.    
The terroir of Clos des Lunes has deep gravel on clay-limestone, which gives the wine power and freshness. They produce 3 different grades of white wine; it is classified as Clos des Lunes D’Or (Gold), D’Argent (Silver) and Blanche (White). All 3 wines use the same blend, 70% Sémillon and 30% Sauvignon Blanc and the grapes are from the same vineyard. The difference between these 3 wines are the aging period, aging style and different of production volume. This time, I tried “Lune Blanche”, this is the lowest grade one, it is aged in small thermostat vats for 6-7 months. The other 2 grades are aged in barrels.

My Taste Note: This wine isn’t aged in barrels; it shows freshness and clear pale yellow color. It has pineapple, tropical fruits and honey aromas. The palate shows light body, not too much acid and dry but I can feel little honey-like sweetness. After taste can find Sauvignon Blanc acid, it keeps the wine lively. Overall, I found this wine is fruity with a lot freshness. 

波爾多的葡萄酒產區主要都是生產紅酒.但是它們都有小部份地區生產甜白酒和乾白酒. 來自Sauternes甜白酒是眾所週知,但其實波爾多都有一些值得賞試的乾白酒.葡萄酒產區Pessac-Léognan 有生產一些頂級乾白酒,例如 Château Pape Clément, Château Haut Smith Lafitte Blanc, Domaine de Chevalier Blanc,等等. 不過這些酒的價錢都比較貴,很難可以日常品嚐. 如果價錢比較平的, 我們可以選擇Clos des Lunes 'Lune Blanche', 價錢是大約HK $ 110. 這個酒莊是由Domaine de Chevalier的莊主擁有,釀酒團隊都是一樣的. 一般的低價AOC波爾多乾白酒都是來自Entre-Deux-Mers的產區, 不過這枝是來自Sauternes.

Clos des Lunes的葡萄園土壤是帶有深厚礫石在粘土石灰石之上,這可做出強勁和清新的葡萄酒. 他們有3個級別的葡萄酒, 分為Clos des Lunes D’Or (), D’Argent () and Blanche (). 3款酒都是用同一個調配, 70% Sémillon (賽美蓉) and 30% Sauvignon Blanc (白蘇維濃)和所有葡萄都是來自同一個葡萄園. 不同之處就是每款酒都有不同的陳年時間,陳年風格和產量. 這次我試了“Lune Blanche”,這款是級數最低,它是在恆溫桶內陳年6-7個月. 另外兩款都有在木桶進行陳年.    

我的品酒筆記: 這款酒沒有在木桶內進行陳年,所以它帶出清新的感覺和顏色是淡黃色.香氣方面有菠蘿,熱帶水果類和蜂蜜香.口感是輕身,沒有太多的酸和是乾型白酒,但是可以感覺到有少少的類似蜂蜜的甜. After Taste可以找到Sauvignon Blanc (白蘇維濃)的酸,這樣可以讓酒保持住它的活力.整體這款酒是Fruity在口腔帶有清新感覺.

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