is rare to find craft beer made in HK. Last week in Yata Supermarket, I found a
beer called “Hong Kong Beer Co”, it has IPA, Stout, Pale Ale, Golden Ale and Amber
Lager available. Each type of beer has their own name, for example Golden Ale
named “Gambler’s Gold”, Stout named “Seven”. Each label has different design and
the design is quite vintage. The beer names and labels reflect Hong Kong
culture, for example, IPA is named Big Wave Bay, Gambler’s Gold label shows horse
racing gamble.
their website, the ingredients such as malts, hops and yeast are from around
the World. The water is from local, it is carbon-filtered and mineral-adjusted
according to the style being made.
all 5 type of beer are mild and light. I like the most is IPA and then Stout
and Pale Ale. The most enjoyable is I can taste craft beer made in Hong Kong.
Gold” Golden Ale: ABV4.8% / Gold Color / Medium Body / Malt Sweet and Light
Bitter / Mild
Kong Beer” Amber Lager: ABV5.1% Clear Amber /Light Bitter / Refreshing
Black” Pale Ale: ABV5.3% / Clear Amber / Honey and Caramel / Malt Sweet and
Light Bitter / Mild
Wave Bay” IPA: ABV 7.0% / Brown Hazy / Typical IPA flavors but light version /
sharp bitter / This one is the best!!!
Stout: ABV 6.0% Black / Light Coffee / Malt sweet and light bitter / Mild Stout
在香港比較難遇到香港製造的手工啤酒. 上星期我在一田超級市場見到一款啤酒叫做“Hong Kong Beer Co”(香港品牌), 在一田它有 IPA,
Stout, Pale Ale, Golden Ale 和 Amber Lager. 每款啤酒都有它們自己的一個名字, 例如, Golden Ale 叫做Gambler’s Gold”, Stout 叫做
“Seven”. 每一款啤酒label都不一樣, 它的設計是有少少懷舊。每一款啤酒名稱和label都反映一些香港文化, 例如 IPA叫Big Wave Bay大浪灣, 和Gambler’s
從他們網站看到, 他們釀啤酒的材料,比如麥芽,啤酒花和酵母都是在世界各地採購. 水就是用本地水, 釀造啤酒的水都是經過碳過濾和礦物調整.
整體來說,我覺得5款啤酒都是比一般啤酒溫和和淡口. 我最喜歡是IPA, 之後 Stout and Pale Ale這兩款都不錯. 最享受是可以品嚐到香港製造的手工啤酒.
Gold” Golden Ale: ABV4.8% /金色/中等酒身/麥芽甜和輕微的苦/溫和型.
Kong Beer” Amber Lager: ABV5.1% 清晰琥珀色/輕微的苦/清新型
“Dragon’s Black”
Pale Ale: ABV5.3% /清晰琥珀色/蜂蜜和焦糖/麥芽甜和輕微的苦/溫和型
Wave Bay” IPA: ABV 7.0% /朦朧咖啡色/典型IPA味道不過是輕型一點/比較苦/這一枝是最好飲!!!
Stout: ABV 6.0% 黑色/少少咖啡味道/麥芽甜和輕微的苦/溫和型的Stout.