
[Belgium] Besides wine, I also enjoy drinking ……

Besides wine, I also enjoy drinking ……

From the left to Right :
Chimay Red : Dubble Style, Brown Red Color, Hazy, fruity (raisin), soft bitterness

Chimay White : Triple style, Golden color, Hazy, sour, the finish quite bitter
Chimay Blue : Amber Color, Hazy, plum and malty sweet,  spices, smooth bitterness
Duvel Golden Ale : Golden Color, huge bubbles, herbs and citrus, sweet, the finish quite bitter                                                

Besides wine, I also enjoy drinking beer. I like to sip my beer at night by myself in living room, and enjoy the relaxing moment after whole day of work.

There are different types of beer such as Lager, Ale, IPA, Stout, Porter, Abbey, Saison, Witbier, Hefeweizen, Pilsener, etc. And, different countries made different types of beer in their own style. Up till now I like all those beers I have tired. All of them have their unique flavors.
Recently, I tried different Belgian beers such as Chimay, Duvel, Houblon Chouffe and
Saison Dupont.

Please also visit my Facebook page for more share : Winecent HK

La Chouffe : Golden Color, citrus and herbs, little sweet, the finish quite bitter
La Chouffe : 金色, 草藥和柑橘, 少少甜,  飲到最後比較苦

Saison Dupont : Golden Color, Hazy, fruit and citrus, taste apricot, strong bitterness
Saison Dupont : 朦朧金色, 果香柑橘, 飲落有少少杏脯味, 強烈苦味, 我覺得這款幾清爽

除了葡萄酒之外, 我都好享受飲啤酒. 我喜歡晚上自己一個人在客廳裡飲啤酒. 這樣我可以慢慢飲和享受輕鬆時光.

啤酒是有很多不同種類, 例如 Lager, Ale, IPA, Stout, Porter, Abbey, Saison, Witbier, Hefeweizen, Pilsener, 等等. 每個不同的國家都有他們的不同釀製風格, 目前我所試過的啤酒, 我都很喜歡 因為每一款啤酒都希它們的獨特味道.

最近我試了幾款比利時啤酒, 例如 Chimay, Duvel, Houblon Chouffe and Saison Dupont.

第一幅圖片, 從左至右 :
Chimay Red(紅) : Dubble Style, 朦朧棕紅色, 果香(提子乾), 柔軟苦味
Chimay White (白) : Triple style, 朦朧金色, 有酸味, 飲到最後比較苦 
Chimay Blue (藍) :朦朧琥珀色, 梅子和麥芽的甜, 香料, 順滑苦味
Duvel Golden Ale : 金色, 不是太朦朧, 泡沫比較大, 草藥和柑橘, 有甜, 飲到最後比較苦

大家都可以參觀我的 Facebook Pang, 內有更多的分享 : Winecent HK 

                                     The Best !!! It can age age around 5 years.

