
Welcome to Winecent's World !

Bienvenue de le monde de Winecent !

Hi, my name is Wincent. I am a wine lover who likes to spend time on studying each of bottle wine I drink. I learned some French when I was young and as French wine is very famous, I started with tasting and studying French wine, then Italian, Spanish, Australian...  This blog will only share my little experience on wine, nothing professional. We may not have chance to drink luxury wine all the time, so here in this blog, we will explore some popular wine for everyone to enjoy.

Does Winecent have any meaning?
In French “cent” means hundred. A wine lover must have tried more than hundred brands of wine. I will select 100 good and common wines to recommend in this blog.

Thanks for your support! If, you have any comments, please feel free to leave me a comment :)  

Please feel free to visit my Facebook page for more Sharing : www.facebook.com/winecenthk 

大家好, 我叫做Winecent. 我係一個葡萄酒愛好者, 飲酒之前我都會先花時間研究一吓每一枝酒. 我小時候讀過法文學校, 少少法文. 而且法國葡萄酒又比較出名, 所以我係由法國葡萄酒開始認識紅酒, 之後到意大利, 西班牙, 澳洲, 等等 呢個Blog會分享本人少少嘅飲酒經驗, 無任何專業意見, 本人從書本得來認識. 喺日生活上未必有機會經常品嚐到名貴紅酒, 呢個Blog會發掘一啲大眾化酒同大家分享.

法文“cent”解數目字一百. 其實所有葡萄酒愛好者都一定飲超過一百款牌子嘅葡萄酒. 我想挑選100枝好葡萄酒和比較容易接觸到的葡萄酒喺呢度介紹吓.

感謝你們的支持! 如果你們任何意見, 隨時留言 :)

歡迎大家來參觀我的Facebook專頁, 這裡會在更多的分享 : 

