
[Argentina] Familia Zuccardi ‘Zuccardi Q’ Malbec 2013

Nowadays, I became interested in tasting of Malbec wine. Maybe last time, I had YarraYering Agincourt which has little bit of Malbec in the blend, make me want to try the Malbec from Argentina. At first, I tired Santa Julia Reserva Malbec 2014 from Argentina Uco Valley, which is not an expensive wine buy from Supermarket. Overall, this Santa Julia Reserva provided basic Malbec characteristic likes dark red purple color, rich, juicy, ripe and warm fruit flavors, tasted full body, dry, balance acid but lack of tannins. Normally, Malbec wine would contain higher level of tannins. Then, 2nd time I tried Zuccardi Q Malbec 2013 which buy from Watson wine shop. Unexpectedly, Santa Julia and Zuccardi are owned by Zuccardi Family.   

Zuccadi winery is in Uco Valley, the major wine region of Mendoza, Argentina. The climate here is high altitude, dry, high temperatures during the daytime and at night the temperature will decrease to be cooler. The winery located in the foot of Andes Mountains which is desert area and the weather is dry, vineyard here must need to use irrigation cultivation, the only water source came from Anders Mountain snows. In the old time the owner Joss Zuccardi father Alberto Zuccardi developed the first irrigation system in Argentina. After the success of the irrigation system, Alberto became interested on winemaking, around 60’s he established Zuccardi winery. The Malbec for Zuccardi Q is from 2 different vineyards La Consulta and Vista Flores. After fermentation, the wine matured in French oak for 12 months and 6 months more in bottle before release.

My Taste Note: I decanted the wine for 30 mins. The color shows dark purple, it has complicate aromas such as, plum, cherry, little strawberry, spices, herbs, licorice, lavender, and mint. The palate is dry and full body, it has soft acid with firm tannins and slightly sweet for aftertaste. Actually, drinking this wine is similar to Chinese Herbal Tea, it has complicate taste and little bit of tannins astringent. Overall, this is worth to drink, which is around HKD $130.   

Santa Julia Reserva Malbec 2013
近來,我突然愛上了Malbec這款葡萄,可能上次飲Yarra Yering Agincourt內有少少Malbec成份,所以令我想試清楚來自阿根廷Malbec的味道是如何.剛開始的時候我在百佳超市買了Santa Julia Reserva Malbec 2014來自阿根廷Uco Valley,這枝酒價錢大約$100以下.整體這枝Santa JuliaReserva都有Malbec的基本味道,例如顏色上有深紫紅色,口感豐富,帶有溫暖和濃厚的果味, 酒身偏厚,DRY,不算太酸只是單寧比較薄.正常Malbec的紅酒都會帶多少少單寧. 第二枝,Watson Wine買了一枝Zuccardi Q Malbec 2013.當我上網找多一資料,原來Santa JuliaZuccardi這兩個酒莊,都是Zuccardi家族旗下的酒莊.

Zuccardi酒莊是位於阿根廷的主要酒產區Uco Valley,這裡的氣候都是高海拔,白天溫度會較高, 夜間溫度會降低,葡萄熟成時間比較長.酒莊設置在Andes Mountain山腳,周邊都是沙漠,由於這裡的氣候比較乾燥,葡萄園要用灌溉種植,唯一的水源是來自Andes Mountains山上的積雪.1915Joss Zuccardi的父親Alberto Zuccardi在阿根廷研發了第一套灌溉系統.之後,灌溉系統成功後Alberto開始對釀酒有興趣,大約在60代他創立了Zuccardi酒莊.這款Zuccardi Q的葡萄是來自兩個不同的葡萄園La Consulta and Vista Flores.當酒釀成後會放在法木桶裡陳年12個月和裝瓶後再陳年多6個月.

My Taste Note: 飲之紅酒Decant 30mins. 顏色是深紫色,帶有複雜芳香包括有,西梅,車厘子,小小士多啤利,薰衣草,香料,草藥,甘草和輕微薄荷.味道方面是Dry, Full Body,適當酸度,帶有精細單寧,不過在舌底可感覺到輕的單寧澀,最後Aftertaste.這款酒有小小似飲緊涼茶,複雜的味道加一些單寧澀和輕微的甜味.我覺這枝紅酒非常低飲,價錢大約$130.