
[Australia] Yarra Yering Agincourt 2011

Chinese Lunar New Year is coming soon, and due to New Year I’ll have around a week holidays. During New Year, we will attend on different family gatherings or dinners with friends. But besides that, I also like to spend time in home for wine tasting, which is quite relax. Few months before, I bought 2 different bottles of Yarra Yering (YY) at Watson Wine, YY Dry Red No.1 2008 and YY Agincourt 2011. Dry No. 1 is a Bordeaux Blend wine includes Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Malbec and Petit Verdot, Agincourt mainly blend with Cabernet Sauvignon and little bit of Malbec. Both wines are interested to try, I just randomly pick Agincourt to taste first. Before tasting, I tried to search more information, on YY official website shows Agincourt 2011 which is the first vintage and the vines was plant in 90’s. Therefore, Agincourt seems like is 2nd wine of YY and famous wine critic James Halliday gives a high score for this wine.

My Taste Note: Cabernet Sauvignon and Malbec are dark skin grapes and give black fruit, rich, medium to full body and high tannic wine. So, I decanted it about1.5 hrs. First, the wine shows purple color. The aromas include plum, leather, green pepper and herbs. I thought, this wine would be full body with strong tannic but it wasn’t that powerful. In the mouth, it is dry, medium body, balance acid and smooth tannic. After taste has rich fruit characters, little sweet and mellow tannic. Overall, this wine is excellent, with dense body, rich flavor and silky tannic.

還有幾天就是農曆新年, 今年農曆新年我就有大約一星期的假期. 不過在農曆新期間需要出席不同的家庭聚會和朋友的飯局除此之外,我最愛就是在家品酒,感覺好輕鬆. 幾個月之前我在Watson Wine買了兩YarraYering (YY) 紅酒,YY Dry Red No.1 2008 and YY Agincourt 2011. Dry No. 1是一枝Bordeaux Blend為主的葡萄酒,包括有 Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Malbec and Petit Verdot,Agincourt主要品種有Cabernet Sauvignon少少Malbec. 兩枝酒我都好想試,但是我選擇先飲Agincourt. 我在網上找過一些關於這枝酒的資料,YY的官方網站看到2011年是Agincourt第一個年份和釀這款酒的葡萄樹是在90代開始種,所以感覺上Agincourt好像YY的副牌酒,還有著名評酒家James Halliday都給好評

我的品酒筆記: Cabernet SauvignonMalbec這兩款葡萄都帶有深色果皮,味道是有漿果風格,豐富和飽滿,Medium to Full Body,單寧會比較高的葡萄酒.所以我Decant1個半小時.酒的顏色是紫色,剛開始的時候芳香都包括有西梅,皮革,青椒和草藥.之前我以為這款酒會比較重口味和有強勁的單寧.不過飲落原來是很平滑,味道是Dry, Medium Body,平穩酸度和非常柔順的單寧. After taste豐富果味帶有輕微的甜和成熟單寧.整體我覺得這款酒是非常出色,有濃厚Body,豐富和飽滿味道和絲一般的單寧.