
[South Australia] Yalumba Patchwork Shiraz Barossa 2013

Shiraz is one of my favorite grapes, the origin of Shiraz is from France Southeastern Rhône Valley, and in French it calls Syrah. It is one of the main varieties of Rhône Valley wine, but most of the wine would blend with other types of grapes. In the old time, Syrah had brought in to South Australia (New World), and then it became Shiraz in the New World region. The characteristic of this grape are dark skin, shows a robust berry flavor, black pepper, licorice, etc. aromas, it taste berry style and little spicy. This time, I tried a good value of Shiraz wine from South Australia Barossa Valley, which is Yalumba Patchwork 2013.

Yalumba established in 1849 by Samuel Smith. Until today, this winery is still own by his family and run by hid grandson Robert Hill Smith. Due the winery has excellent performance, Australian wine critic James Halliday gave a highly recommend on Yalumba winery. Moreover, It worth to mention, Yalumba has their own barrel factory, each year production has around 600 barrels. But the self-made barrels are only enough for the high end wine series, such as The Octavius. It made with 100% Shiraz from the oldest vine in Barossa and then aged in small barrel (90-100L), famous wine critic Robert Parker gave a high rated on this wine. From some reviews, people called Patchwork as Baby Octavius. Patchwork made with 100% Shiraz, from Barossa region, average age of vines is 20 – 30 years old. After nature fermentation, the wine aged 14 months in American, Hungarian and French oak.    

My Taste Note: I didn’t decant for this wine, just opened the screwcap and breathe for around 20 mins. The color is deep purple, it shows full warm fruits aromas like black cherry and blackcurrant, licorice and little of floral aromas. The taste is dry, full body, juicy with fresh acid and structure tannins, after taste find plenty of berry flavors and little bit tannins. Overall, this wine gives ripeness of fruit flavor and dense body, which shows a bold style of Shiraz.  

Shiraz (西拉) 入係我最愛的葡萄品種之一,它有一種非常吸引的野果芳香,但飲落又會有少辣, Shiraz 的來源係來先法國東南部 Rhône Valley (隆河),而法文稱為 Syrah. 它是 Rhône Valley 區主要品種之一,通常都會溝另外幾款葡萄來釀製.在很久以前有人Syrah移植到南澳,之後所有新世界地區都改稱為 Shiraz . 它的特色帶有深色果皮,強烈野果風味,帶有黑椒,甘草,等等芳香,味道都是野果為主和有少少辣.今次我就試了一枝非常低飲的 Shiraz, 來看南澳 Barossa Valley (巴羅莎山谷) Yalumba Patchwork 2013.

Yalumba 酒莊係由英國人 Samel Smith 1849年建立,直到現在大約160年之後酒莊依然由他的家庭擁孫兒  Robert Hill Smith 運作.由於酒莊一直表現優良,澳洲評酒家James Halliday都讚好.更值得一提的是,酒莊內設有自家製木桶廠,每年產量大約600.不過自家製酒桶只係足夠提供給它們的高級酒用,比如The Octavius.這款酒用100% Shiraz 釀造,葡萄來自
Barossa 的老藤,之後在自家製小型木桶內陳年(90-100L),著名評酒家Robert Parker都給予高評.不過今次我唔係飲The Octavius,而係另一款有Baby Octavius之稱的 Patchwork. Patchwork 都係用100% Shiraz 釀酒, 葡萄都係來自 Barossa, 葡萄榭年齡大約20-30.當天然發酵後,葡萄酒會在美,匈牙利和法木桶內陳年14個月.

我的品酒筆記: 這次我沒有醒酒,只係擰開樽蓋,讓酒透了大約20分鐘氣.顏色是有深紫色,它充滿野果的芳,有車厘子和黑加侖子,再帶多一些甘草和小小花香.口感方面Dry,厚身,的酸味,帶有結構的單寧.After Taste可以找到豐富的野果味道,和小小單寧.整體這款酒提供到成熟果味和濃厚Body,可以表現到Shiraz強勁的一面.