
[USA] Rogue Sriracha Hot Stout

 On the old post, I had mention about Rogue Sriracha Hot Stout. Since a long time, I want to try this Stout, because I am a Sriracha lover. Sriracha is a well-known hot chili sauce made from USA California. But in Thailand, there is an small town calls Si Racha too. The local restaurant had a kind of hot chili sauce to dip with seafood. Not sure the taste of those hot chili sauces is similar to the USA Sriracha. But now, I am talking the Sriracha is USA one, the name is Huy Fong Foods(滙豐食品公司).

Huy Fong Foods established by David Tran in earliy 80’s, he is Chinese-Vietnamese born in Vietnam Saigon. In the old time, he managed a red chili pepper farm and making hot chili sauces for local restaurant. During Vietnam War, David moved to USA. At that time, he started to resume his old profession, which is making hot chili sauces. Then, it will sell in supermarkets at Los Angles Chinatown. In the beginning the production was very small. Later on, he expanded his business and opened a factory in Irwindale, California.

In supermarkets or restaurant are very easy to recognize his Sriracha sauce because on the plastic bottle, it printed a big rooster and green color screw cap. Since, David Chinese Zodiac sign is rooster, then he used Rooster as the company’s logo. On the side, there some Chinese words [無加色素之是拉差香甜辣椒醬乃採用特種大紅新鮮之指天椒香蒜精製而成用於調和各種魚肉麵餃食料都美味可口且久藏氣味不變品質擔保]. Which mean the Sriracha is using fresh ingredient such as red chili peppers, garlics, no artificial colors added, quality grantee, etc. The major indigents are included red chili peppers, garlics, salt, sugar, vinegar and more. Sriracha is popular in North America, is common to find it in Vietnamese Pho restaurant. Every time I eat Pho, Sriracha is a must for me. Some other food company is using Sriracha to make beer, chips, popcorns, beef jerky, candy canes, peas etc. Besides food, I also had a Sriracha water bottle.  

Before drinking this beer, is hard to imagine the taste. I thought, it may taste very heavy because Stout and Sriracha have a strong taste. In the beginning, the color is black color and brown head, it had roast malt, chocolate and coffee aromas, just like standard Stout. For the taste, it is full body, spicy (I mean real spicy) and pleasant bitterness, the lips can feel spicy too. During drink, the Sriracha taste is not that obvious, but after I swallowed, it is gently show up such as robust garlic, spicy and little salty. Overall this beer is not too heavy, by adding Sriracha makes this beer become much amusing. And, it should drink with some food like Chinese Fried Noodles, Fired Chicken, Burger, Pizza, Steak, etc., just like dipping Sriracha sauces. Worth to mention that the beer bottle is exact the same as Sriracha's bottle for example red color, big rooster and green color bottle cap. 

                                  My Sriracha Water Bottle / 我的是拉差水樽

在之前的舊文, 我提過一枝Rogue Sriracha (是拉差) Hot Stout (司陶特啤酒). 一路以來我都很想試這枝啤酒,因為我是一個是拉差愛好者,非常喜歡是拉差辣椒.原來泰國有一個小城市都是叫做是拉差 (Si Racha). 當地餐廳有一種用來點海鮮的辣椒醬叫做是拉差.不知道味道是否跟美國出產的是拉差一樣,但是我想講的Rogue Sriracha Hot Stout是放了美國出產的是拉差辣椒醬,它的名字是 Huy Fong Foods(滙豐食品公司).

滙豐食品公司是由陳德 (David Tran)80年代早期創辦,他們一位越南華僑在越南西貢出生.早期他在越南管理辣椒園和出產一些辣椒醬供應給當地的餐廳食用.在越戰期間陳德逃離了越南,搬移到美國生活.在這段時間,他開始重操舊業,就是生產辣椒,之後放在洛杉磯唐人街的超級市場內銷售.剛剛開始的時候,生產量比較低,只是一間家庭式工業.後來他在加州的Irwindale開設更大的工廠.


                                                   Photo from website
司陶特(Stouut)是一種黑啤來自英國,烘焙過麥芽來釀製,味道都有一些咖啡,巧克力,焦味,等等.飲之前是很難想像這款啤酒的味道,因為我以為它的味道會很重.首先啤酒是黑色,頂部是啡色泡泡,烘焙麥芽,巧克力和咖啡的香氣,有基本黑啤的味道.在口感方面酒身比較,帶辣 (是真辣,不是一般品酒來形容的哪種辣)和苦味比較溫和,咀唇會有辣感覺.在飲的時候間是拉差的味道不是太明顯,當我吞下啤酒後After Taste慢慢就有是拉差味道出現,例如強勁的大蒜,辣味和少少咸的感覺.整體味道不算太重有司陶特的基本風格,加了是拉差飲落不會太悶,會有激的感覺.這款啤酒最好是配一些食物來飲,例如炒粉麵,炸雞,漢堡包,薄餅,牛排,等等,食物就會好像點了是拉差一樣.值得一提啤酒樽的外型是跟是拉差一樣的,例如紅色,大公雞和綠色蓋.

"I put Sriracha in my Rogue"