
[Portugal] Portuguese wine in Macau

Mutio Bom!!

Last month, I spent few days’ holidays at Macau. Historically, Macau was a colony of Portugal since 18th century, until the handover to China in 1999. Since Macau has a significant relationship with Portugal, it is very easy to find Portuguese wine in local supermarkets and restaurants. I haven’t drunk too much Portuguese wine besides port wine, it would be an nice opportunity to try out this time at Macau. The easiest way is to find in local supermarket. I was shopping in Royal Supermarket, and there were plenty of choices for Portuguese wine. I random picked one to taste that night. I chose the one with a “Portuguese Top Wine Selection” label on the bottle, the wine name is Bellus. The price is around $100 MOP, that label makes me feel the wine will have quality guaranteed. Unexpectedly, this wine is quite good. Portuguese Top Wine is a wine export company which sources different range of Boutique type (Small Production) Portuguese wine and promote to Asia market. It could be easier for us to taste Portuguese wine with good quality.

                                                  Wine Menu in restaurant

This wine Bellus is from Península de Setúbal region, classified as Vinho Regional, Equivalent to Vin De Pays in France. It blends with Aragonez (known as Tempranillo) and Trincadeira (This grape is very common to make Port wine). It fermented both type of grapes together in an open vats and partly aged in barrels for 3 months. The production is 6,000 bottles per year.

My Taste note : I tasted it in 2 - 3 hours, the strength can last to the end. It shows purple color with red fruit, plum, leather and little tobacco aromas. On the palate is fruity, medium body, dry, mild acid and chewy tannins, after taste has plum flavor coming out. Overall, this wine fleshy and accessible to drink, it could be a good daily wine for relaxing at night.

Food @ Macau Clube Militar

                                                      食物 @ 澳門陸軍俱樂部

上個月我有幾日假期, 去了澳門吃喝玩樂了幾日. 歷史上來看, 18世紀澳門是葡萄牙的殖民, 直到1999年葡萄牙將澳門移交回中國. 也許澳門跟葡萄牙有重大的關係, 在澳門是很容易找到葡萄牙的葡萄酒, 例如本地的超級市場, 餐廳, 等等. 除了葡萄牙砵酒(Port), 我都不是品嚐過很多葡萄牙酒, 這是一個很好的機會來嚐試葡萄牙酒. 最容易找到就是在本地超級市場, 我去了來來超級市場, 這裡有很多葡萄牙酒選擇. 之後我就隨便揀了一枝來嚐試. 我揀了一枝在酒瓶上 有一個Portuguese Top Wine Selection的標籤, 酒名是Bellus. 價錢大約$100 MOP, 這標籤給我感覺上會有一些保證, 但是估不到它的酒質是不錯. Portuguese Top Wine 是一間葡萄酒出口公司, 它們專找一些不同等級的小型酒莊葡萄牙酒, 推廣到亞洲巿場.

Bellus 這枝酒是來自Península de Setúbal產區, 分級為Vinho Regiona, 等於法國的Vin De Pays (地區酒). 這款酒用上以碡兩款葡萄Aragonez (跟西班牙出名品種 Tempranillo同名) Trincadeira (這款葡萄經常來釀造砵酒). 釀酒過程是把兩款葡萄壓碎後放在開放式大木桶一齊發酵, 之後一部份在木桶裡3個月.

我的品酒筆記 : 我用了大約兩之三小時這來飲這枝酒,它的力度可以維持到最後. 這款酒顏色是紫色, 帶有紅色水果,李子,皮革和有少少煙草香氣.口感上是fruity,中等酒體,乾型紅酒,溫和的酸,單寧比較高有點咀嚼的感覺,After Taste有少少李子的味道.整體這款酒有豐滿水果味道和較平易近人,可以例為日常飲用的葡萄酒.